Monday, September 20, 2010

I Just Saw This, Come Back!

Chelsie! I just opened this up on a whim and saw your Feb. post - wish I had seen it earlier! I miss you girls - hate how we don't keep in touch, but follow you on fb and think of you all often.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

anybody out there?

oh my goodness...i totally forgot about this blog for a long long time and just stumbled upon it today. wow...last post was in 2007. sad. do any of you girls still look at this? if you do - miss you all.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Holla at ya girlz

Ok I'm in a weird mood and listening to a crazy radio station at work, but anyway...

Hello ladies!! I can't believe how long it has been since I've written. I check the blog everyday, but Whitney and Chelsie you, have inspired me. It has been way too long since we've caught up. Except I did get to talk to Whit online the other day!

So anyway, things here are going really well. All of a sudden, in the past few weeks I've realized that I am really happy in New York. It's seriously like one day I was like, oh I have really good friends here, oh I really have set up a life here. SO that's a nice feeling. I still plan on leaving summer '08, but at least I'm enjoying myself until then. My job is still lame, but I've realized if I'm only here another year, I don't want to give up the vacations and the coaching--too many perks here. And I really like everyone here, too.

In 3 weeks I'm off to Europe!! I'll be spending 2 weeks in England with my family, a week with my grandparents then a week on a roadtrip through Wales. Then I'll go to London for a night to see my friends, which I am so excited about. Then I leave my fam and head to Greece for a week with somef riends from NY-this guy's family owns this incredible house on Samos Island. Then he and I are going to Athens for 2 nights. And no, just in case youw ere wondering, he isn't an interest, just a friend. Gotta tell you though, I wish I was attracted to him so I could move to a Greecian Island-doubt it gets much better than that.

I got my British passport a few months back, so now I'm official!! I don't know where I'll be off to after NY. Sometimes I feel like I want to get back closer to home-I am beginning to realize how much I miss the South and all my friends/family that are still down there (which is most). I mean I wouldn't move back to Pleasant Garden or Greensboro, and maybe not NC but somewhere closer. But what I really want to do is for someone to give me a million dollars so I can go travel the world for a year.

That's about ti for me. No special boys, but a few unspecial ones:) Just kidding. I am having fun though. Can't really complain about life in the big city. I do miss you girls a lot though. I think about you all all the time, despite my lack of communication. WHit and I were talking about the reunion that we need to have, and basically all we came up with is that we need to have one. So let's go from there.

Chels and Whit, I'm so so happy that married life is treating you both so well. Can't believe you guys are coming up for your 1 years' anniversaries!! Gina, I am so excited and proud of you for your upcoming South African adventure! You are living the life my friend.

I promise to be better about blogging. Until next time, much love to all of you fabulous ladies.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Yes, I's been waaaay too long. is everyone!? life in winnebago is not too exciting except that summer weather is here and the pool is open now and i'm not freezing my butt off everyday anymore. yay!! i love summer. but other than that nothin really new...just working at the chiropractic office still. brian takes his first round of the medical boards one week from today which is his biggest/hardest test plays a major role in determining where he gets placed for residency in two more years....pray for him!! i havent really done anything exciting lately but i am going to colorado in a few weeks for a wedding and to visit my family....sooo excited! i love colorado in the summer. so hopefully i'll get to go white water rafting or something fun. i need to see some mountains...i'm getting tired of all this flatness. so seriously...everyone needs to write and tell me how you're doing because i got really excited today thinking about all of you and i wonder what you're up to. i miss all of you tons and hope everyone is doing well! oh also fyi does anyone watch greys anatomy? i'm depressed because grey's anatomy is over until next season and christina and burk didn't get married...booo. but so you think you can dance starts tonight....which i'm kind of excited about. yes the highlights of my life revolve around tv...i'm such a loser

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


The problem is, is that I just don't know how to rotate them! Sorry!

Way Too Long!

Hey beautiful ladies!
I have to blog for a technology tools for educators class, and I decided to look on our blog instead. Way more fun. Unfortunately, no one has blogged since early February! Sad! We need to make a better commitment to keep in touch. I miss you all dearly. Well, I guess I'll give the brief update on myself. I'm in a May term course for grad. school. I only have one class left in the fall, and the I'll write my thesis and be done. I can't believe it's almost over. I've seriously loved grad. school so much. I met a cool girl in my classes too, so its been fun to go through the program with her. I know you all would love her.
I've been aggressively looking for a teaching job in the fall for about the last month and a half. Its really hard to find an English opening here. MN is a bitch when it comes to education. However, I was offered a job at a private Christian school right in my hometown of Woodbury. I'd be teaching 12th grade AP literature, college writing, and a couple 9th grade lit. courses. Also, there is a coaching position open for soccer, so that makes me really excited. I have to decide by June 7th, so I'm pretty much taking the job unless all of the sudden in the next 6 days, I get offered a professorship at the University or something. I am really excited about the job, but I'm just a little nervous because of the private school thing.
I just got back from CA for the long weekend. I saw G, and all our college girlfriends met out there. It was really fun to be together again. Also, Michael and I went out to CA about a month ago to visit my family and my sister (she's out there for college). It was such a nice break, and I love it out there. I don't have anything lined up for the summer in terms of work. I applied for this assistant wedding coordinator position at our church (because I just love weddings), but haven't heard back about it yet. Otherwise, it just looks like I'll be doing a lot of lesson planning and organizing the house and hanging out with Gina. She's moving back here for the summer.....woo hoo!
So, really, nothing else too significant to report. I miss you all dearly and still think of you and our travels all the time. I can't wait for our reunion trip. I attached a photo of Michael and me when we went back to London in December (or I'm going to try and do that...hopefully it works). I hope all is well with each one of you. Now, stop distracting me. I have to go and blog for my tech. tools class....boring!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you girls and hope to hear from you soon.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Hey ladies! it's monday morning and i'm heading back to work after being gone for a week of skiing in Canada with my dad and and my friend's family. It was soooo fun. I got to do some out of bounds skiing (a little scary as you're hiking up past all these signs that say WARNING: AVALANCHE DANGER). I had to wear an avalanche tranceiver and carry a shovel and probe with me everywhere i went. The Canadian rockies are amazing...sooo beautiful. I'm going to try and attach a picture next time. Our ski guide was the same guide who led us skiing a year and a half ago in Chile so it was really great to see him again. I had such a blast. Remember the time we went skiing in Switzerland and Sarah and Whit walked down the mountain...hahahaha! that was way too funny. anyways, i had a great time...wish i was still there instead of chicago where it's seriously -5 degrees. i hate this depressing. G - you're done and maybe already living in Frisco by now! yay...a big congratulations to you for enduring all of that. i am so jealous you're living in Co. you have to go over and hang out with my family! they would love love love it. you and brit and linds should all go. what's your number...i'm going to tell them to call you and invite you over. they only live like 15 minutes from frisco. my parents go to rocky mountain bible church in should check it out. the pastor is a great speaker. i wish i was there with you! S and T - hope you guys are living it up on the east coast. i miss you guys :( whit - when are you coming back to st. charles. i bet minnesota is even colder than, that really sucks whit. maybe you should come visit me. happy birthday to whitney in three days (feb.8) ... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! WOO hoo! i seriously miss all of you sooo much! love you guys!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Bringing it Back

blogging that is...Hi girls!!! I think this is the longest it's been since I have written. I'm so sorry I have been MIA.

So first of all, I want to say congratulations to Gina!! Way to stick out a really tough situation girl! I am so proud of you. Enjoy your time off and your trip with your brother, you have definitely earned it. I can't wait to hear all about it!

Chelsie, thank you thank you for the hilarious story. I was dying laughing, poor Brian! Reminded me of all your stories and travel emails, which of course led me to thinking about Whit's marathonstory:)

Whit, back to London! I am so jealous, I wish we could have all gone with you:) How was it? I can't wait to hear about it. It was weird when I was abck this summer, too, made me think of you girls even more than I usually do.

I hope that you all had a great Christmas and New Year's. It was a great holiday season for me; the city is so festive at that time of year, and I felt like I was home a ton, between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Good times hangin out with my family, and I saw all of my high school and college friends, which is always great. Had my 5th year high school reunion, so weird! Jenny and I did our part in getting ridicuously drunk and making everyone do tequila shots with us, haha. It was so fun though.

Was a little depressed getting back into the swing of things in January, such a letdown time of year, but things are going well here and I'm still enjoying myself. Painted my apartment and it looks so good! It is so homey, I love it. I am planning on renewing my lease in the summer and staying here until summer '08, then moving on to a new adventure.

I am coaching a basketball team at school, and the girls are 9-0! It's so fun hanging with the kids, getting out of the office, and even better that they're awesome!

Other than that, nothing has really changed with me. Planning on going to Mexico for my spring break with my friend Ali from work, since we both have the same break. Wish I was planning our reunion trip instead though! We need to get on that ASAP.

Ok I have to run, am supposed to be doing work:) But wanted to say hello and that I really miss you guys. Just because I haven't written altely does not mean that I don't think of you guys all of the time. I love you!